Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't forget, anybody can submit a macro to the Criminal Macros blog! Email for submissions is to the right. Kimberley and I may someday run out of ideas. It could happen.


  1. Love, anytime Reid has his hands in the air, I know those words are coming :P

  2. Ooh, Fisher King part 2. What episode was the quote from?
    Look how little his hands are. Awww.

  3. OMG I don't know whay but this made me laugh like crazy...I can totally hear it in my head.

    The quote is from Conflicted isn't it? I don't know, he's always trying to save crazy kids lol

  4. Miss Odell - part of the joke is that Reid's said almost that same exact line a couple of times, always with hands up and without his gun. He did in Conflicted and in Elephant's Memory as well.

  5. i think he also said it (or something similar) in somebody's watching.

  6. Yeah, I know, but it was in Conflicted that he said those exact same words. It got stuck in my head cause I remember thinking that the "I swear to God " part was a little over the top. (he might have said it in the other eps too, I don't know, it gets kind of blurry after watching so many times :P)

  7. haha this was unny any1 got any more ideas for a macro? i would love to hear them

  8. These are really funny. Will you post anymore?
